Saturday, April 24, 2010

Less Thrills, More Chill: Relaxation Drinks "One of the Hottest Product Trends in 2010"

 Business Wire
A few years into a tight economy has us changing more than our spending habits. We don't sleep as well as we used to or relax quite as easily, and so we're seeing a boom in new products and services designed to help clear your mind and collect some Z's.
“of comfort foods, brands are coming out with”
"This year we are seeing people wanting to calm down and destress," said trend expert Jane Buckingham of Trendera. "With so much tension, anxiety and angst it seems the last thing they need is more caffeine and energy. Instead they want to relax and chill out.”
In trying to fill that need, nearly 200 new products have been introduced for the 2010 season that offer some kind of relaxation, including the world's first relaxation shot, iChill. Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert only looks for this trend to deepen, and jump from beverages to all sorts of other items.
"Instead of relying on the "psychology" of comfort foods, brands are coming out with "relaxation" beverages with herbs and other ingredients designed to actually relax or put you to sleep," said Lempert. "Brands like Drank, iChill and RelaxZen may well be the replacements for Vitamin Water and Gatorade. Look for this trend to quickly move to other categories including "anti-energy" bars, snack foods and even spawn a resurgence of calming after dinner drinks that you can enjoy at home."
We're already spending lots of time and money trying to unwind. 70 million Americans have to deal with insomnia and lack of sleep. Doctors wrote more than 58 million new prescriptions for sleep aides last year. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation last year found that 27% of people reported losing more sleep because of financial worries.
"What goes up, must come down," said Greg Figueroa, one of the creators of the iChill relaxation shot. "All the stress we're dealing with, all the sugar and caffeine we consume, it takes a toll. People have to unwind, and, increasingly, they want to unwind in a much more natural way. Hitting the happy hour on the way home may take the edge off, but you wake up groggy and not refreshed the next day. 2010 is about real relaxation methods helping people cope with the day to day demands they have, while staying productive, happy, rested."
With all the attention relaxation drinks and other products are getting, it’s important to take a closer look at the main ingredients. One of the active ingredients in iChill and other relaxation beverages, melatonin, is a natural compound that has been sold as a dietary supplement in the U.S. since 1993. As with any dietary supplements, following the product usage recommendations is key.

“A relaxation shot, like iChill, is a new way to take an old cure for sleep deprivation,” said Figueroa. “It’s a measured dose, so you can’t overdo it. If you follow our recommendations, you’ll get the chill feeling you want, but no extra carbs, sugars or calories.”
The iChill shot combines a unique blend of Melatonin, Valerian root, Rose Hips and B vitamins. These all natural ingredients are proven to ease anxiety, curb stress and elevate the drinker’s mood. At only 2 ounces, iChill stands out from other relaxation beverages currently in the market that are usually around 12 to 16 ounces of carbonated fizz. iChill is the only relaxation beverage that is completely calorie, sugar and carbohydrate free. Blissful Berry flavored iChill Relaxation Shots are available at 7-11 and Exxon/Mobil stores, as well as 15,000 other retail outlets nationwide. Find out more at

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