Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Basic Kinds of Adult Nocturnal Enuresis

By Jim Miller

Healthy people who suffer from night time bed wetting are often too embarrassed to inform their doctor about this problem. Unfortunately, these people could most likely be helped if they spoke to a medical professional. When we think of people wetting the bed we usually think about small children learning to use the bathroom or very aged people who are unable to control their bladders. You may not be aware of this but a good number of otherwise healthy middle-aged adults suffer from adult bed wetting.

This medical malady also affects strong and healthy younger adults and even teenagers who have no other health concerns. Incontinence during the day can be a problem with many people older people, adult bedwetting seems to affect people from all walks of life and cultural groups. It is not only sickly adults who suffer from uncontrollable bed urination.

Not all men and women have the same types of bed wetting problems. Some men and women have grown up wetting their beds all their lives, while some people later begin to suffer from a bed wetting problem after spending decades with no problems at all. There are two primary types of nocturnal enuresis - primary nocturnal enuresis and secondary nocturnal enuresis and the symptoms and treatments are different for each kind. Each type of bedwetting has a chance of being treated with homeopathic bedwetting remedies.

Adults who have had bed wetting issues all their lives are said to be suffering from primary nocturnal enuresis. Bed wetters throughout the years of their lives are could have medical problems called by physical injuries that are causing their bed wetting. Often adults who suffer from primary nocturnal enuresis are genetically disposed to bed wetting. Genetics can play a big part in an adult's issues with nocturnal enuresis.

Another type of bed wetting can sometimes be caused by stress, excessive caffeine consumption before sleep or a physical injury that developed later in life. Random occurrences of bed wetting are commonly attributed to secondary nocturnal enuresis, which is also referred to as adult onset bed wetting. This type of bed wetting is called secondary nocturnal enuresis and it is the term used to describe men and women who being wetting the bed later in life.

Though it's an embarrassing problem for millions of adults, it's important to remember that wetting the bed is a symptom of something and not an actual illness unto itself. Approximately four million adults suffer from some sort of nocturnal enuresis. Wetting the bed can often be the symptom of a more serious physical or psychological condition.

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