Friday, February 26, 2010

Do Anti-Snoring Sprays and Strips Work?

By Serena Burditt

Millions of people all over the worl suffer from snoring problems every time they go to sleep. But its not just the snorer who suffers. Anyone who sleeps in the same bed as a snorer will also be affected. And in many cases, those who share a house, flat or home are also affected by the sound of snoring. So no one sleeps properly! Snoring can not only lead to soreness, the loss of a good night's sleep can lead to fatigue both in the snorer and those affected. It only takes a few nights of snoring for tiredness to become a problem - so snoring cures are widely sought and with great urgency. As a result, there are many anti snoring products available, but how many of these actually stop snoring?

But before going any further, the important thing to note is that snoring can be an indicator of a serious medical treatment and before anyone goes to a pharmacist, they should consult a doctor to assess the causes. Some people who snore loudly almost every night or wake up gasping may have sleep apnea which is a serious breathing disorder. Sleep apnea can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke and requires proper medical guidance and help. No over-the-counter remedy will help with sleep apnea, and people with that problem should be evaluated by a sleep specialist.

There are lots of anti snoring solutions available on the market. Some of the names are Snore Relief, Snorenz, Snore Zip, Never Snore, and Breathe Right Nasal Congestion Relief. Also, there are a lot of different ways in which they try to help you stop snoring. There are nasal sprays, oral sprays, nasal strips, dental devices, chin straps and mouthpieces to prevent snoring. Sprays and strips are cheap, easy to apply and use so they tend to be popular and numerous. Most sprays are used orally and are applyed by being squirted towards the back of the throat. Nasal strips are applied on the surface of the nose and act to open the nasal passages wider.

Most anti snoring sprays are designed to affect the throat, nose and wind pipe. They work to reduce any inflammation in the sinus or the throat to ease the passage of air. Some sprays are said to work by moistening the soft palatte; while others are said to work by firming up the loose tissues at the back of the throat. It really depends upon the individual as to whether these work or not. It depends very much upon the cause of your snoring whether or not one of these will work for you. The fact is that there has been no scientific evidence supplied to prove that such sprays will help all cases of snoring - so its really down to the individual to test for their own needs.

The USA Food and Drug Administration has allowed a number of stop snoring nasal strips to advertise that they 'reduce snoring', so that would seem to be evidence that they have a wider application. But as with the snore sprays it really is down to each individual and what works for them.

But there are also many options that don't cost anything. Medical experts say that simply losing weight or stopping smoking could help people who occasionally snore. And so can avoiding drinking alcohol just before bedtime. The evidence is that up to the age of 50, men are twice as likely to snore, but after the age of 50 women catch up. In all cases, it is the cause of snoring which dictates the remedy - find out what has worked for others and consider if the same might apply to you.

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