Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stop Sleep Talking Every Night

Sleep talking is a rare condition that affects a lot of people around the world. Because of the fact that it is shared across the globe should be a reassuring thought to help sufferers stop sleep talking. A lot of medical remedies have been prescribed in recent years but their side-effects have prompted people to resort to natural methods. Sleep talking can be very humiliating because some people are taunted using the words they speak; in some cases the words they murmur are embarrassing secrets in their past. For this reason you should try out these secrets on how to stop sleep talking every night.

If you are a victim of somniloquy/sleep talking you must watch your eating habits. In some of the reported cases doctors noticed how some of their patients ate heavy meals before going to bed. There is nothing wrong with a heavy meal before going to bed, it just mustn’t be eaten immediately before bedtime. Have an interval of at least 2 hours before going to bed or eat light meals throughout the day so that your last meal doesn’t affect your regular sleeping patterns.

Yoga; meditation and fitness exercises are a good way of beating stress disorders and depression. For some sufferers of sleep talking have been known to lead very stressful and depressed lives. This is why stress has been labelled as a cause of sleep talking that must be remedied by yoga and fitness exercises. In general yoga and meditation support a healthy blood circulation to the head and body, something that gets rid of stress significantly.

Some of the people experiencing sleep talking either don’t sleep enough or their sleeping patterns are too irregular. Put in more hours of sleep by doing all your tasks of the day on time. Once you have done this all you have to do is maintain that pattern long after your somniloquy ceases.

You have to be at peace at the moment before you go to bed. Like I said earlier, sleep talking is sometimes caused by stress or a disturbed state of mind. Cool down by listening to soft music like natural sound as these have an extraordinary effect of calming you down and making sure you sleep in a relaxed manner.

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