Saturday, January 30, 2010

Can’t Sleep? Try Feng Shui as an Insomnia Remedy!

Melatrol Natural Sleep Aid Q&A...
If you’ve got a problem with insomnia, and are into alternative ways of looking at things, you might want to consider using Feng Shui to help you sleep better at night. The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui aims to channel the flow of energy between earth and heaven in order to help individuals experience the harmony of that force. Some of the principles of this system of belief might suggest ways of arranging your bedroom that will permit your natural energies to flow more easily, letting you sleep when it’s the right time.

The first thing to consider when trying to cope with your insomnia problem by way of Feng Shui is the placement of your bed. Placing a bed close to a window may cause energy to drain from the room, so it’s best to avoid that location. Yet you should also avoid putting the bed directly in a corner, because energy is thought to be dormant there. The optimal location would be against a wall that doesn’t have a window. However, while in bed, you should also be able to see the entrance to the room and whoever might be coming in, but without pointing the foot of the bed at the door. If this can’t be achieved through any possible positioning of the bed, you can still accomplish the same effect by hanging a mirror where it will reflect the entranceway so you can see it from the bed.

The surroundings are important too. Things with pointed corners create “energy arrows” that disrupt the flow of energy or even create negative energy. So if you have several bookcases or a desk, place them so that you’re not facing them when lying in bed. If possible, it would be even better to have those things in a different room. If you can, keep the bedroom as uncluttered as possible, or have things with more rounded corners, which in Feng Shui would be regarded as more beneficial.

The visual impression of the room is also an important component of getting a better rest. For example, the images you place on your walls should be positive and soothing, rather than depressing or agitating. And things like televisions, computers, or exercise equipment should be kept out of the bedroom, since they induce alertness and stimulation rather than relaxation and sleep.

Even if you are somewhat dubious about this philosophy, there is no question that a good deal of the Feng Shui advice is in agreement with medical advice about keeping distractions and stimulation to a minimum in the room where you sleep at night. You won’t do any harm by trying out these principles, and it is very likely to help. When you arrange the room where your sleep according to the principles of Feng Shui, you may produce a room that is more relaxing or even healing, a room that allows you to enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Insomnia is a serious sleep disorder in which a person has trouble falling asleep, and may not even sleep at all. Many people resort to medication to deal with the problem, but there are also many natural insomnia remedies that are highly effective.

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