Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dream Control - The Truth

By David Heoung

The vast majority of people think of dreams as something mysterious which is not within our power to control. Whether we have nightmares or very pleasant dreams, not everyone is aware that it is in fact possible to stop these dreams from being purely random. Through the method called lucid dreaming, dream control is something that anyone can have.

But, what does the term truly mean and how does it work, and what, if any, are the benefits, and is it really possible for anyone to achieve this means of making our nightly journeys into the world of dreaming our own continual series of fascinating adventures? Read on for the answers to these common questions about the art of dream control.

What Is Dream Control?

Dream control, or lucid dreaming is when you are completely aware that you are dreaming while you are doing so; and in control of the events which take place within your dream. Even while your body is sound asleep, your mind knows that you are dreaming and you are in the directors chair for the proceedings.

People who suffer from nightmares frequently can find relief with dream control. Once they learn to use this powerful technique, they can banish their nightmares and get the restful sleep they need.

Common Techniques For Inducing Lucid Dreaming

A newer and very effective method of bringing about lucid dreaming is binaural audio. Binaural audio involves listening to two different frequencies at the same time. The effect of this listening is to tune the listeners brainwaves into the proper frequency to achieve the state needed for lucid dreaming, REM sleep.

Before the availability of binaural audio on CDs and DVD's, the methods of choice for bringing about lucid dreaming were meditation and self-hypnosis; these are effective methods, but it can take a long time for people to master these techniques to the extent necessary to have lucid dreaming experiences at will.

Other than these methods, many others have been used by psychologists and sleep researchers. However the mind is trained to assert dream control, the object is the same; to enable the dreamer to realize that they are dreaming and to begin taking the reins of their dreams.

This training begins while you are still awake. The goal is to remember to perform some kind of cue which will remind us that we are dreaming; this allows dream control to begin.

You may be able to do this by simply telling yourself as you are falling asleep that in your dream, you will do or say something and then you will know that you are dreaming. Once you know that you are dreaming, lucid dreaming has begun.

This particular method to dream control is referred to as MILD, or mnemonic induction of lucid dreams, which was discovered by scientist Dr. Stephen LaBerge. With this approach, your brain is then in complete control as to what occurs in the dream, meaning that nothing could or would come of harm to you as it's simply all in the mind and you are only limited by your own imagination.

Another means of achieving lucid dreaming is by keeping a dream diary or journal, using a small notebook and pen kept by your bedside to write down everything you can remember in the minutes after waking up. After doing this for a few nights, you'll start to notice being able to remember what you've written and have a similar dream in which you can then begin to control what happens.

Tame monsters in your nightmares, 'visit' any location you wish, explore imagined worlds that you envision within your own mind, speak to anyone you like, and basically be free of all worldly constraints and limits. With dream control, all of this is possible, in essence, giving us the power to be the ruler of our own nightly fantasy worlds where we are in complete control of everything that transpires.

However, there can be too much of the good thing which is lucid dreaming. Dreams can tell us important things, according to psychologists. So while you should unlock your full potential to have lucid dreaming experiences, make sure to give yourself some time off now and then to have natural dreams.

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