Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to Fall (a)Sleep Fast!

Hi I am Nagy and I want to welcome to How to Fall Sleep Fast!  Many of us can’t fall asleep and if this is happening to you - at How to Fall Sleep Fast we are going to talk about the following topics to help you fall a sleep easy:

How to Fall Asleep Fast
Sleeper Sofa
Down Sleeping Bag
Baby Sleeping Bag
Sleeper Chair
Sleep Music
Sleepy Feet
Sleeping Girl
Fall Asleep Fast
Baby Sleeping
Sofa Sleeper
Sleep Apnea Test
Sleeper Chairs
Sleep Remedies
Sleeping Mask
Sleeping Child
Double Sleeping Bag
Sleep Apnea Machine

Sleeping next to a person that falls asleep within 15 minutes you might wonder how they can do it.  Taking a sleeping pill can help, but they are a big SCAM!

I don't mean to nag (wonder if this is why they call me Nagy), but they have many side effects and are addictive. They only mask the problem. You need to find the true reason(s) why you can’t sleep at night.  What you need to do is clear your mind.  Forget your troubles by keeping a journal, talking to a friend or forgiving yourself.  Getting a great night sleep will only help you to tackle those issues tomorrow. 

Some tips to help you learn how to fall asleep fast are:
  • Working out at least 1/2 an hour a day, but at least 2-3 hours before retiring.
  • Having proper sleeping materials: Bed, covers, pillows and non-constrictive clothing.
  • Listening to soothing sounds: Ocean waves, music, or waterfalls.
  • Eating 2tbsp peanut butter before bed. Or any other food that contains tryptophan.
  • Don’t make your bedroom to warm. The temperature should be around 65 degrees.
  • Using the restroom. Limit liquids prior to bedtime.
  • Watching a boring television show, but do it as part of your routine, not in bed.
  • Counting sheep (in your mind).
  • Reading.
  • Relaxing: warm bath, shower, etc.
  • Developing consistency in your sleeping habits.
FYI: Nagy is a bush baby or nagapy (meaning "little night monkeys" in Afrikaans), are small, nocturnal primates native to continental Africa,.and make up the family Galagidae (also sometimes called Galagonidae).